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China’s energy sector is one of the world’s largest energy consumers and producers, covering a wide range of sectors including coal, crude oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear energy and new energy. Below is a brief introduction to each segment:

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Coal: China is the world’s largest producer and consumer of coal. While China is working to reduce its reliance on coal to reduce air pollution and combat climate change, coal remains the main source of China’s energy supply.
Crude oil and natural gas: China is the world’s largest importer of crude oil and the third largest importer of natural gas. At the same time, China’s oil and gas development and production is growing steadily, particularly in the shale and offshore oil and gas sectors.

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Hydropower and nuclear energy: China is the world’s largest producer of hydropower and nuclear power. In the coming years, China’s hydropower and nuclear power capacity will increase further with the construction of new hydropower and nuclear power plants.

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New energy: China is the world’s largest manufacturer and market for wind and photovoltaic power generation equipment, and the market for new energy vehicles is also growing rapidly.

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Among the global top 500 companies, Chinese energy companies mainly include:

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec): the largest petroleum and chemical company in China and one of the largest in the world.
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC): China’s largest oil and gas production and supply company.
China Guodian Corporation (CGCC): one of China’s largest electric power companies, whose business includes thermal power, hydroelectric power, wind power and nuclear power.
China Huaneng Group Corporation: one of the largest power companies in China, whose business also includes thermal, hydro, wind and nuclear power.
China Shenhua Energy Company: China’s largest coal production company.

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